Living Limitless Academy (LLA)

I see you, high achieving go-getter.

Are you ready to get your stress under control, manage your life & schedule w/ confidence & live happy and limitless?

My Signature Living Limitless Academy Program offers 3 levels based on how much support and accountability you're looking for.

I have put my heart and soul into this program after listening so intently to all of my clients and their overlapping struggles. When it comes to managing stress to living mindfully and intentionally for showing up the way you want and intend to in your life, it can be an overwhelming and challenging place to start.

So what I did was simplify the process in my gentle three phase approach. You give me the big picture and I walk you through it with ease and support. Listen below to a quick video introducing LLA.

I more recently added 25 additional trainings for a module for those looking to get UNSTUCK in their professional journey — to gain clarity, organizational skills to manage time, energy and self with less roadblocks and barriers. (Inquire if interested in this Get Unstuck module as a self-paced course).

Listen up..

Here is a 5 minute video introducing LLA and my WHY for becoming a mindset and stress coach.

  • you're tired of spreading yourself too thin from juggling all.of.the.things.

  • you feel guilty even thinking about putting yourself first / having "me" time

  • you feel frustrated by your negativity despite all of the positives in your life

  • you are looking for personal and professional clarity to LEVEL UP in a way that feels manageable and attainable right off the bat

  • you would benefit from support and accountability from a coach (& small group of women w/similar stress struggles) who GET it

  • you're ready to invest in yourself to develop a mindset & lifestyle that sustains you vs drains you using my gentle three phase approach that WORKS

lla is for you if…